where to find the best mannequins in a mannequin factory as jollydisplay?
and how is the quality of our factory's mannequin quality?
which kind of accesorries we supply for the mannequins?
in our mannequin showroom, you could find all the answers for your questions.
our mannequins showroom have about 100 models mannequins which include different categories of our mannequins, such as egg head mannequins, atheletic mannequins, running mannequins, realistic mannequins,
abstract mannequins, children mannequins, fabric cover mannequins, dress forms.
and the mannequins in our mannequin showroom are selected from hundreds of our models which would be the newest design mannequins with our new use fittings.
you could even place the order here in our mannequin showroom with the mannequins you see here with your own eyes.