Date:2020-10-12 14:16:32
Follow jolly display’s sales team on LINKED IN
If you are interested on the luxury brands retail stores visual design in china,
or the fashion window display design trend in china, china popular used window mannequins(dummies),
the fashion stores design concepts in china,
especially shanghai(cause our base is close to shanghai) you could follow our sales team linked in.
1.Lucy-Our sales manager
Linked in:
Lucy is responsible not only on mannequins but also the display store fixtures for all kinds of stores, hangers, shelves.
2.Emma-our experienced sales on mannequins
Emma is minaly focusing on mannequins projects.
Of course, you could follow us on youtube, instagram or facebook, twitter.
But cause of the VPN use is not 100% well in china mainland, we can’t update all the information on time as linked in.